His Eminence Khen Rinpoche Geshe Jigme Gyatso attended the 100th anniversary of the Kamba Lama Institute on 13-14 June in Tuva. On way to Tuva, His Eminence was received at Moscow Airport by Natasha, the head o our Moscow center.  His Eminence Khen Rinpoche gave a series of teachings at the monasteries besides attending conferences, meetings and seminars. 17th June 2024, On Visit to Datsan Gunzehoiney, St. Petersburg, His Eminence Drepung Gomang Khen Rinpoche Geshe Jigme Gyatso gave teaching to the public, the abbot of Datsan Gunzehoiney Ven. Badmaev Buda Balzhievich expressed words of gratitude to His Eminence Abbot for the teaching and requested His Eminence to visit again St. Petersburg for more teachings. 

On 19th June, at the request of Drepung Gomang Center, His Eminence Abbot gave teaching at the main hall of Amche Dr. Jigme Gyatso’s hospital. On 20th June, after the conclusion of teachings, His Eminence Khen Rinpoche conveyed his thank you to Amche Dr. Jigme Gyatso la, Drepung Gomang Center’s President Nataliya, Nordon la and Geshe Tenpa Dhondup for the wonderful and continuous support to this monastery for many years.